The Business Essay – Theory into Practice

The Business Essay

At least one business essay will be required per course – count on it. And types will range from expository to definition, to persuasive, to cause/effect, to problem solution.

In every business course you take, you will study theory – theories of management and administration, finance and accounting, leadership, human resource management, marketing, logistics, public relations, etc. And that theoretical study will prepare you for the ultimate goal – putting theory into practice in your chosen career. But before you put theory into practice in the real world, you will be writing research essays that explore practical applications of theories and determining the efficacy of those applications. And of this you can be certain. All business school essays will require research. And many of them will actually be case studies.

The Expository Business Essay

This type of essay is explanatory in nature. You might, for example, describe and explain a particular theory of management or leadership (e.g., theory X) and provide examples of situations in the workplace and show how a Theory X Manager would handle such a situation.

The Persuasive Business Essay

This type of essay attempts to persuade the reader of a particular point of view. Suppose, for example, that you subscribe to specific management practices that involve a high level of employee participation in decision-making and problem solving. This business management essay will then point to research and case studies in which employee involvement of this type has resulted in great employee morale, loyalty, and “ownership” of the organization’s success.

The Case Study

While case studies are not unique to business programs, they are pretty prevalent. A case study involves studying a specific phenomenon that has occurred within an organization, usually a problem or a challenge, and then researching the solution that the organization selected and evaluating its effectiveness. On a grand scale, one might complete a case study on Apple, how it declined so drastically after Steve Jobs left and then rose again to such prominence after his return. What specifically resulted in Apple’s resurrection and what can other organizations learn from it.

Business Ethics/Causes

Since Enron and then crash of 2008, the issue of business ethics has taken more prominence in business school programs, and particularly in the areas of finance and accounting. It has also become more important because of the rise of entrepreneurship. A business ethics essay may involve a case study in which ethical practices were violated and discuss the consequences of such violations.

More and more, there is talk of the social responsibility that organizations should assume, the giving back to communities or to society as a whole. A very famous current example is Thom’s shoes. For every pair of shoes the company sells, it donates a pair where there is need. The end result has been a surge in sales for this company. The story of the organization would make a great case study and perhaps demonstrate that giving back is an effective means of increasing profits.

Business School is a Busy Place to Be

The study of business is challenging and rigorous. There may be times when you are just unable to meet all of your assignment obligations. In such instances, you can always find a professional business essay writer at who can craft an original and custome essay, paper, or case study for you.
